Thursday, 10 October 2019

Comparison in adverts

The old coke adverts usually show a woman holding the coke bottles in a femenin way, this attracts attention to the image and advertises the product its self. As it is an old advert, it is some what stereotypical. The red of the package is the only bold, bright colour on the advert, this makes the product stand out even more compared to everything else.

The quote "the package that gets a welcome at home" makes it sound more appealing for its intended audience. This makes people want to buy it. The way it is shown to be brought in multi packs could further appeal to people to buy more.

The way it is advertised could furthe appeal more towards men as when this advert was made was around the time of the war, so returning soldiers would be refreshed by coke.

The new coke advert shows more equality as a man and a woman are advertised with the product, this further appeals to more audiences and fits the conventions of modern adverts.

The red colour and the product its self are still in main focus, this follows convention and is similar to the old advert as the products stands out more compared to everything else.

The people show drinking the product look happy, this advertises the product as enjoyable and welcome, which is similar to the old advert as the quote states it is welcome at home.

Overall, the coke adverts have changed quite alot with more equality being used, but the layout and main design features have not changed much, the red colour and product its self are still the main focus compared to the rest of the image.