The representation in the Old Spice advert helps to advertise and promote the product as the images are some what humerous and appeal to most stereotypes. One advert shows some text that says "not fact checked". this jokes about how men dont usualy check their work and can be lazy. Another is how most of the men in the adverts are doing something dangerous, which is a stereotype for how some man are careless. One of the main things that helps to advertise the product is the way to model is shown. The colours and his surroundings help to give a better view on what people might think of you. It appeals more to men as references to stregnth are made as in both of the adverts he is part of a mountain of volcano which are signs of stregnth. The way women are shown in the adverts also further appeals to men as they are some what sexualised.
The original adverts depicted men doing manly or extreme things. One example isthe advert of a surfer with the caption "Old spice - Mark of a man". This made the product sound and look more manly and appeal to its intended audience. Another way they advertised it was the slogan "the man your man could smell like". This made men belive that using old spice would make them more appealing to woman as that is apparently what they like. However the adverts can be some what sexist as it shows men dont really care what women think or like as in a more modern TV advert the actor says "the things you like" implying he doesnt really know what women like.
The adverts often contain muscular men or sport references making men want the product as they want to be like the people shown. This again a stereotype as it suggests all men like sport and body building, whilst it still works as a successful advert. The advertisement works as the old spice campain got over 40 million views (more than Obamas 2008 acceptance speech) giving it the #1 all-time most viewed branded channel on Youtube.