Thursday, 7 May 2020

Researching Current Affairs Magazines: Private Eye

The front covers of private eye magazines contain images taken of political figures or who ever is the key subject in the news at the time but with words edited on to them as a joke. (Like a comic book strip). This is a different approach than to what other magazine publishers do and gives them a more unique style. This theme some what runs throughout the magazine as some articles contain jokes and the titles can sometimes be puns at what happened. Despite this, the Private Eye is the UK's number one current affairs news provider and has been going since 1961.

Like other current affairs publishers, the Private Eye website has a top story's section which is the first thing you see, followed by smaller stories and links to other news articles from Private Eye. The Private Eye magazine covers more general larger topics about current political events and important stories with fewer small less important stories.

Private eye also has many different social media accounts so fans can view their news and posts anywhere. This is very beneficial as it broadens who can access their content and let's more people see their latest information.

1 comment:

  1. A clear post - what you need though is an annotated front cover image on here that you can analyse. That will really help you when you start making your own.
