Friday, 20 September 2019

Magazines (men)

Mne smagazines often follow the same traditions and repetition. they usually contain a sans serif font, bold text, bold colours and a male model looking into the camere, often with miscles or dressed smartly.

this magazine follows the traditions as the model is looking at the camera and is surrounded by health tips and ways to look better. The fonts are bold and in black and red.

The masthead is not in sans serif and is blue, this is more unusual for a mens magazine as the cololurs are often darker.

The barcode is on the front which is tradition / repetition, and is similar the the way the womans mawgizines are layed out.

The mens magazine has stoiries aswell, although these stories are more based around other media such as star trek, which appeals more the the male audience.

the main story is "beach muscle". this followes tradition and is repetition as it is about fitness and health for men.

there are no puffs on the front cover which is repetition as mens magazines do not usually contain them.

Over all, there are no features that are uncommon for a mens magazine and this one contains alot of repetition and tradition.

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