Tuesday, 17 September 2019

Research: codes & convention of magazine front covers

I have learnt that magazines follow certain codes and conventions such as mast heads, eye contact and barcodes on the front cover. if a magazine does not follow one of these then it is a difference. the unique style is usually to appeal to its audience. One example is GQ, where there is no purchase information on the front and had all bold font instead. this helps it appeal to men as it gets strait to the point and stands out well. GQ followes a convention as the picture maintains eye contact with the reader.
The big issue uses blue for the background which is symbolism for royalty, this links with the magazine as it is about history and kings / queens.
The Q magazine uses a polysemous meaning as the people in focus are underwater which could mean multiple things.
The art on the big issue is iconic for the horrible histories topic.
The word deep on the Q magazine is a combination mark as it is a word with a logo which could have multiple meanings or interpritations.
The aura around the men on the front cover may suggest religion, however this is contrasted by the homosexual vibe.
Leo on the GQ magazine symbolises action and adventure for the movies he is in and how he acts.
The woman on the cosmopolitan is staring at the camera which is symbolic as for some, it might suggest she is trying to look attractive.
The red on the GQ magazine could be polysemous as the red implies danger or pain.
Leo is wearing a trench coat which is indexical as it could referance towards his next role as an an actor.
The connotation of the aura on the Q is that it referances a halo, further symbolising religion and holyness with a religious aspect.
The semiotics for the big issue are the implication of the different colours such as blue and red and how it makes it look royal and signifies the history.

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